Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Welcome to My Blog

Well, I guess so many people are into this whole "blog" thing, I might as well join the crowd, so-to-speak. After reading similar blogs from a couple of friends, I decided to post my random musings online for the benefit of those in cyberspace who might care ... or be too bored to read or watch TV.

And so I embark on this new adventure, sitting here in the comfort of my living room, tapping away at the keys of my laptop for your benefit, humble reader.

My goal here is to speak my mind ... or, I guess, TYPE my mind, is more to the point. I'd like to offer some critiques of what I've experienced -- from movies, TV shows, books, beers, cigars, etc. -- to blathering on about whatever strikes my fancy.

To that end, let me begin by saying I just had a wonderful day off with my wife, Margie, and we got to watch not one but TWO very good movies. First, we took in an early matinee of Oliver Stone's impressive WORLD TRADE CENTER, which was far better than I expected and is as different from an "Oliver Stone Film" as you can get. But you can't blame the guy for trying something different. It's moving, yet never overly-melodramatic. Kudos to Stone for making a film that does justice to the memory of those who lost their lives on 9/11.

The second part of our unplanned "New York Double Feature" was a DVD screening of Spike Lee's INSIDE MAN. Like WORLD TRADE CENTER, this is not your typical "Spike Lee Joint," but a wholly entertaining heist flick with a couple of neat twists and turns. I'm glad that both Stone and Lee were able to do something different without compromising their respective styles.

Enjoyed a wonderful Montecristo Jambo Jambo Churchill cigar earlier this evening, complemented with a few cold Bohemia beers. I've been on a Mexican beer kick of late -- Modelo Especial, Corona and Bohemia -- as I find them quite refreshing and less cumbersome than most microbrews. I also was pleasantly surprised recently with Labatt's Blue Light -- a tasty and refreshing Canadian pilsner that, frankly, took me by surprise.

Still plugging away at Louis Bayard's great THE PALE BLUE EYE, a fictional novel about a murder that takes place at West Point while Edgar Allan Poe was a student there ... before he got thrown out, that is. It's a clever bit of storytelling that mimicks Poe's style well.

Also have to give kudos to the first two eps of GENE SIMMONS FAMILY JEWELS, a show I feared might be a sad retread of THE OSBOURNES. Unlike that overdone MTV hit, however, Gene's antics are less about the drug-addled patriarch and more about his life partner, the lovely Shannon Tweed, and his two charming kids, Nick and Sophie. It's worth tuning in just to see Gene "The Demon" Simmons fumbling with a dishwasher!

Well, that's all for now. I hope to remain a faithful "blogger" in the days, weeks and months ahead.


Blogger i *heart* paper said...

Hi - welcome to the neighborhood!! You'll love it here. This will be a great way to keep in touch with everyone!! And, since I can never break away to see a movie unless it's rated G, I'm looking forward to your reviews!!


7:27 AM  

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